Breed standard.
FCI Standard N° 343
A breed standard is part of what defines a dog breed. The standard describes what the breed should look like on the outside in a methodical way;
The body parts
Movements, coat, color and size
The standard also contains information about the breed's origin and area of use as well as mentality. It concludes with an enumeration of the errors and shortcomings that may occur and should be given special attention within the breed.
At shows, the judge uses breed standards to assess the dogs. The breed standard must also serve as a starting point for breeding work.
Det finns endast en rasstandard och det finns därför bara en korrekt typ av Cane Corso. Men att det utvecklas olika typer är de facto något som vi i Cane Corsovärlden måste ta hänsyn till och försöka förstå orsakerna till, liksom vi måste arbeta stenhårt för att undvika extremavel och bibehålla rasstandardens ideala Cane Corso. Titta på rasstandarden - den visar hur en korrekt Cane Corso!
Ursprungsland/ hemland: Italien
Användningsområde: Mångsidig arbetshund
FCI-klassifikation: Grupp 2, sektion 2. Med arbetsprov.
I FCI's Rasstandard N° 343 för Cane Corso står: "Grupp 2, sektion 2. Med arbetsprov."
I Sverige betyder det att en Cane Corso - för att bli C.I.B (International Beauty Champion) - måste genomföra godkänt bruksprov Appellklass samt ett specialmoment.
Minst ett år och en dag ska ha förflutit mellan första och sista CACIB(Internationellt cert). För hund av arbetande ras krävs två (2) CACIB utdelade i två (2) länder av två (2) domare plus arbetsmerit i enlighet med regelverk.
Country of origin / homeland: Italy
Area of use: Versatile working dog
FCI classification: Group 2, section 2. With work test.
Background / purpose
The breed is mainly descended from the ancient Roman molosser dogs. From being previously spread throughout Italy, the breed has in recent centuries been preserved in and around the region of Apulia in southern Italy. The breed name comes from the Latin "cohors", which means "defender and guardian of the farm".
Overall impression
Cane corso should be a medium to large dog, robust and strong but still with a certain elegance. It should have strong and dry muscles.
Important dimensional conditions
The breed must be rectangular, ie. slightly longer (11%) than it is high. The length of the head should approach 36% of the height at the withers.
Behavior / character
Cane corso is a guardian of property, family and livestock. The breed is extremely mobile and easy to learn. In the past, it was used to drive livestock and to hunt wild game.
The head should be large and typical of a molossoid dog.
The plane of the skull and the back of the nose should be slightly converging and without clear skin wrinkles.
Skull: The skull should be wide at the yoke arches and the width should be the same as the length.
The skull should be convex in its front part and then become fairly flat in the extension towards the occiput. The forehead furrow should be marked and visible from the stop to the center of the skull. The eyebrow arches should be pronounced.
Stop: The stop must be well marked.
Nostrils: The nostrils should be black, dogs with gray worms can have nostrils in the shade of fur. The nostril should be large with pronounced, wide nostrils and be placed in line with the bridge of the nose.
Muzzle: The muzzle should be clearly shorter than the skull, strong and square (muzzle and skull should be 1: 2). The muzzle should be deep and as wide as long. Its front part should be flat and the sides parallel. The profile of the bridge of the nose should be straight.
Lips: Seen from the front, the lips where they meet should form an upside down U. The lips should be moderately drooping and cover the lower jaw so that the lower profile of the muzzle is formed by the lips.
Jaws / Teeth: The jaws should be large, strong and curved. Slight underbite, but not more than 5 mm. Seaweed bites are tolerated but are not sought after.
Cheeks: The cheek muscles should be clear but not bulging.
Eyes: The eyes should be medium-sized and slightly, but never excessively, prominent. They should almost have an oval shape and be broadly set with an almost straight forward gaze. The edges of the eyes should be close together. The eye color should be as dark as possible but in accordance with the coat color. The expression should be interested and attentive.
Ears: The ears should be triangular, drooping and medium-sized. They should be broadly set, very high above the yoke arches. The ears should be occupied.
The neck should be strong, muscular and as long as the head.
The length of the body should slightly exceed the height at the withers.
The physique should be powerful, but not too short.
Mane: The mane should be pronounced and higher than the cross.
Back: The back should be flat, very muscular and tight.
Lumbar region: The lumbar region should be short and strong.
Cross: The cross should be long, wide and slightly sloping.
Chest: The chest should be well developed throughout its length and reach to the elbows.
The tail should be natural. It should be fairly high set and very thick at the root. During movement it is carried high, but never upright or curled.
Shoulder blades: The shoulder blades should be long and oblique.
The shoulders should be very muscular.
Upper arm: The upper arms should be strong.
Forearm: The forearms should be straight and very strong.
Wrist: The wrists should be elastic.
Middle hand: The middle hands should be elastic and only slightly sloping.
Forepaws: The forepaws should be like cat paws.
Rear stand
Thighs: The thighs should be long and wide with a convex back line.
Knee joint: The knee joints should be firm and normally angled.
Lower legs: The lower legs should be strong and dry.
Has / hasled: The hasled joints should be normally angled.
Metatarsus: The metatarsals should be compact and dry.
Hind paws: The hind paws should not be quite as compact as the front paws.
The breed should move with a long step.
The stack must be extended.
Trotting is the preferred gait.
The skin should be quite thick and fairly tight.
Fur texture: The coat should be short, glossy and very dense with some undercoat of hard texture.
Color: Black, lead gray, slate gray, light gray, light fawn, dark fawn, deer red or dark wheat colored. All colors except black occur with or without brindle streaks. The black or gray mask of fawn- and brindle-colored dogs should not extend over the eyes. A small white spot on the chest, on the tips of the toes and on the back of the nose is accepted.
Height at the withers
Male dog: 64 - 68 cm
Tic: 60 - 64 cm
A deviation of +/- 2 cm is tolerated.
Male dog: 45 - 50 kg
Tick: 40 - 45 kg
The weight should be in proportion to the size of the dog.
Any deviation from the standard is incorrect and must be assessed in relation to the degree of deviation and its impact on the dog's health and well - being and ability to perform his traditional work.
Serious errors
The planes of the skull and the ridge of the nose are parallel or converge too much
Muzzle where the sides converge.
Nose truffles that partly lack pigment.
Scissor bite: pronounced underbite (more than 5 mm).
Tail that is curled or vertically carried.
Continuous pass in trot.
Size above or below specified dimensions.
Spurs: Removal of spurs without veterinary reasons is prohibited in Sweden.
Disqualifying error
Aggressive or extremely shy.
Dogs that clearly show physical or behavioral abnormalities should be disqualified.
The plane of the skull and nose diverge.
Nose truffle that completely lacks pigment.
Nasal ridge that is concave or convex (baggnos).
Eye edges that completely or partially lack pigment.
Blue eyes, blue-spotted eyes.
Taillessness, short tail.
Fur that is medium length, smooth or has lashes.
Colors that are not included in the standard as well as large white spots.
Nota bene
Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs with breed-typical design should be used for breeding.
In male dogs, both testicles must be fully developed and normally located in the scrotum.